Email marketing is one of the most cost effective ways of staying connected to your target market. If done right, it can yield a company marvelous results on a consistent basis.
According to a recent research, Millennials and Generation Z’s prefer connecting with the brands by the means of emails. Statistically, companies saw a leap of 64.4% in their revenue yield from email marketing in between 2020 and 2024.
Looking at the significance of the medium. We have crafted some of the best practices for email marketing in 2024:
Keeping it personalized:
Just stating the name at the start of the email is not enough in 2024, brands must do ‘micro segmentation’ and ‘hyper personalization’ to get their potential client on their side.
Creating engaging content:
The content should be highly communicative; it must have colors, images, videos, GIFs, texts, testimonials and social media icons to keep the user engaged. The customers also read reviews these days before buying anything online, therefore including testimonials can go a long way.
In the process, if you are also successful in appreciating the customers via thank-you emails, birthday offers, seasonal holiday greetings and milestone emails - then you would be successful in doing your bit.
Taking care of KPIs:
Data speaks volume. Analyzing the different metrics are essential for the success of your email campaigns. Therefore, it’s key to keep a check on factors such as ‘open rate, click rate, click-through rate, click-to-open rate, and conversion rate’. On the basis of the analysis, you should craft your next email marketing campaign.